Day 87
I woke up really early, just because I felt like it and wanted to see the sun come up. I decided to make a detour, because the regular road was around 16km, and I still had quite a bit of time. So I left in the direction of the sea and after around 6km of asfalt finally arrived there! Beautiful views awaited me, along with nice weather (not too hot this early) and.. well sea! After a while I found out I had forgotten my Swiss army knife! The one I had gotten from Benedikt :(. But I thought I had left it in Sarzana, so I'd worry about it later. After a long and nice walk along the beach to Marino di Massa I bought me a cap in military colors after meddling about the price and then went to Massa itself, where after walking back and forth 3 times between the two hospitalities I found out that one didn't work out, and the other only at half past seven. So I called the place where I stayed yesterday to ask if they had found my knife, but the woman only spoke Italian, and without body language it was hard to explain what I wanted. I even asked a guy to call for me, but the woman couldn't help us because she was old and disabled and didn't know. So I took the train back to Sarzana, only to find out that it wasn't there and that I had probably accidently dropped it somewhere. Nooo! So I went back to massa, and waited in front of the door of the house for the poor. Slowly people started coming, and after a while two guys about my age came (they where the volunteers) and then a nice lady who ran the place. After asking I was allowed to stay, and eat with them and the woman even gave me 20€ as support. I was also told to be careful with my stuff because things had been stolen here before. So I hid my camera and wallet under my pillow (original huh?) and had great fun with my two roommates, a 16-year-old Romanian guy and an older guy who both only spoke Italian. (Which was ok, because otherwise I'll never learn ;)). The young guy even shared his food with me, and kept insisting even though I refused. I think I didn't have to hide my stuff.
Day 88
I woke up fairly early, and then had to wait for the guy with the key of the house to wake up. But I set out at 7:00 and walked really far after a lot of asfalt, to finally arrive in Valpromaro, where after asking around I met Don Mario, who showed me the special house for Pilgrims of the Parrocchia San Martino. It was great, with a shower, a kitchen, a garden and everything. So I cooked my pasta and prepared my pizza bread and then went to bed on some kind of beach cauch thingie that was quite uncomfortable. My feet hurt quite a bit after those (according to the priest) 35 kilometers. Oh! And I traded my army colored cap for a blue one, then bought me a permanent marker ard pimped my cap :). Muhahah.
Day 89
After breakfast I talked for a while with Don Mario, and then set out to Lucca, a really beautifull city. On the way I met 2 American pilgrims, in around my age who where walking from Rome to Santiago de Compostella! They said they had been on the road for 18 days so far, which means that I'm getting really close! Great to see I'm not the only crazy young person in the world. I went to the Ostella della Gioventù and then played tourist the rest of the day. I had my shoes patched up and in the evening went outside to draw and watch the sunset.
Day 90 Today
I again slept badly because of snoring roommates (I have got to buy me some earplugs), but had a nice breakfast and then set out. I arrived rather early in Altopascio and started looking for the free place to stay. And I kept looking.. and asking... and looking, but after a while it turned out that it was the Gym hall, and that it was open but nobody was there. And because it's sunday, the tourist information was closed, and nobody knew anything. A woman helped me ask around, and even called the local police to ask if they knew, but that was exactly the problem, nobody knew. So I went to a not-too-cheap hotel and watched some tv and then went here. Today was quite boring. And the supermarkets are closed too so I'm gonna have to go to a restaurant tonight.
Short update and no pictures, but that's what it is :). Thanks for the comments!
Jerry: cool! Ik hoop het een beetje interessant is haha ;).
mammie: hihi wist je dan nog niet dat ik het leuk vind? vandaag dus een beetje saai, maar morgen ga ik het chill hebben :D. Kus!
Mar: ja dat wilde ik nog doen! ik wilde dat dan aan de zijkant ergens doen, maar lings kan je niks doen met blogger haha. Anders doe ik het later wel. (Ga zo eerst eten). Dank voor je berichtje! Kus
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Italy, land of the Fiat Panda
Day 76 The rest of the day
This evening was fun, because in the internet cafe I had tried to couch surf for the first time. Unfortunately that didn't work out, so I called Andrea because he had said he knew some people here. That didn't work out either because he was in Switzerland and didn't pick up the phone. So I was back to basics again, looking with no clue where to go. After strolling around the park a bit, sitting, eating and enjoying the weather, I looked on a map to see where the tourist information was. A woman came up to me asking if I needed any help finding the way, because it was her town and she liked helping people. She was a bit weird, and even said I was her little boy, but she was helpful and she could speak Italian. So after asking around with her, we were directed a house for students. We asked and I got denied (you had to call ahead, and be student and whatever) and then said goodbye to the woman so I could try stuff myself again. I went to a cheap hotel and asked, but the woman only spoke Italian, didn't seem interested in trying to understand my broken Italian and it turned out the room still cost 35€. So I left and asked in a restaurant. The man sent me on to a house for the youth, which I didn't find immediately, and I ended up in a homeless food providing charity thingie. I was offered food, and was told to go with someone afterwards. So I ate among the homeless :). The food was good, the people smiled and looked filthy, and my belly was filled. Then I went with some woman who brought me to the house for the youth, where I met a nice group of people who were like a big family. It was a house for children who had trouble at home, or whose partents couldn't or wouldn't take care of them properly. It was really interesting to see that the boys standing outside looked really cool at me as I arrived, but as I came in their direction their cool faces suddenly turned into smiles and their interest was incited. We had great fun, I was offered a room and could eat with them, and played table football and table tennis with one of the guys later on. An interesting day, that made me feel really good.
Day 77
After a corn flakes breakfast and tea I went to the post office to send home some books that I didn't need anymore, and then went to the tourist information (which was closed yesterday). They didn't have any info about the E1, but a lot of info about the Via Francigena, of which I already had a good map so I decided to follow it from now on. So I walked to Santa Cristina e Bissone, where I found a place to stay really easily, because the tourist information people gave me a list of all pilgrim hospitalities. The woman (who even spoke some English) cooked for me because all the shops were closed, and after that I was invited to join their evening service, which I decided to do. It was rather boring because I didn't understand a whole lot of it, and it was a rosary praying thing, so a lot of repetition of stuff that I didn't understand... But after that I met the religious community (Parrocchia) which was nice. (see picture).
Day 78
I woke up fairly early and ate the pasta leftovers. Then I set out in the extreme heat, to find out after around 2 km that I had forgotten to give back the key to the room :S. Damn. So after bringing it back I set out again along quite a lot of asphalt roads and too small roads that made my legs hurt. I arrived in a small town where I looked up the Pharmacy because one of the guys from yesterday evening was working there, and he called the fare-taxi for me. I then walked to Corte S. Andrea where I waited for the boat, and then for a group of cyclists who were going over as well. We went all the way to Soprarivo, from where I walked to Calendasco. There was a very friendly German-speaking priest with his mother, who offered me a bed and invited me for dinner.
Day 79
After a good breakfast and thanking the people I set out along a fairly huge asphalt road, which I had to follow all the way to Pontenure. Pontenure turned out to be a passing through village of the Via Francigena, because there weren't any facilities, but I was allowed to sleep in the school, and take a shower in the sports school. A lot of youthly people were there and it was a lot of fun to talk to them. Luckily there was a man who spoke some German, but with bodylanguage and some Italian it also worked out. I ate together with the priest, and then went to bed on the floor.
Day 80
I woke up fairly early and went to the supermarket for breakfast. I had to follow the big road again, but after a while I could walk parallel to it along small country roads.It was really really hot, but somehow it's not uncomfortably hot... I think it might have something to do with walking all day and feeling healthy (if I eat enough). I walked really far through Fiorenzuola d'Arda, Castelnuovo Fogliani all the way to Fidenza, where I found the Pilgrimhouse of a Franciscan monastery after asking around for a while. There were beans available, so I prepared those (oooh bad, microwave) and then went to bed. My feet hurt a bit because of the long walk (32 km, mostly asphalt) but other than that I feel good.
Day 81
It was hot again, but I finally saw some hills! After a week of flatness this was really welcome, because I suddenly had great views again, and could walk on smaller roads more often. I walked on to Medesano where I looked up the Oratorio and was offered a great room with shower and everything except food. But I'm used to supermarket unprepared food now anyways. I might have to buy me a hat because I have a bit of a headache...
Day 82
I slept rather long, and then set out again. In comparison to the last couple of weeks there was little asphalt, and also a nice river. The barking dogs are annoying me a lot though. I walked to Sivizzano (only 16km) and asked the priest. He really got mad because of my lack of speaking Italian, which is obviously ridiculous because I speak English, German, Dutch and a bit of French. But I was polite and got a room for 10 euros because I didn't have any credentials. (A paper saying that I am a Pilgrim). That evening I met a nice man who let me print out a new list of hospitalities along the way (after messing with his printer for an hour or so :S), and gave me some sandwitches for tomorrow morning. I made a soup and then went to bed.
Day 83
I prepared the rest of the soup and set out at around nine am. Today I finally walked along actual walking paths which were marked out quite well, and for the first time I met a German pilgrim who was walking to Rome as well. He gave me a small print out of credentials which I could try to use in case of refusal. We walked together for a while, but he then chose the asphalt road because the normal road was quite intense (up-down-up and very steep). I walked on to Berceto where I looked up the Casa della Gioventu, and then ate a pizza because all the supermarkets were closed. Later a group of cyclists arrived here as well.
Day 84
After a long night of lying awake and being annoyed over a snoring cyclist I set out along a nice road. I saw some snakes and then chose to follow the asphalt the last 8 km because I was so tired. In Pontremoli I waited for an hour, and then after showing the credentials was allowed to stay. The priest stamped it and I was an Official Pilgrim from now on, which turned out to be quite useful when trying to find refuge. I planned the next couple of days a bit, and then went to bed.
Day 85
I set out in fairly cool weather (in comparison) and again followed an intense steep footpath through the mountains. I saw a couple of snakes, and I saw a baby deer! It looked me straight in the eye for a couple of seconds and then ran off. But later on I saw a dead baby swine next to the road, which sort of ruined the good feeling I had for a while. In Aulla I found the place, and was pointed to my room by a nice lady who told me she would pray for me. I cooked (!) pasta with pesto and then went for a barefoot evening walk through town. I called my best friend and talked about all kinds of stuff, and then went to bed.
Day 86 Today
I woke up, ate 3 bananas and 3 bars of chocolate as breakfast (don't worry, it was the first unhealthy food in a couple of weeks) and then set out. It was hot again, and the road was steep, but I liked it a lot and arrived in Sarzana where I looked up the church and found a nice refuge. Then went looking for this internet cafe and here I am! It is seriously bad weather now, thunder and lightning and really hard rain.
As you can see I've become a cow (white body, brown arms and head) and look quite skinny. But I feel good, eat a lot and am very happy.
Thanks all for the kind words!
Oh, and if you think you have a nice tip or some critiques to improve my writing, or make it less boring please write a reply :) (Polycounters know how I love crits ;)).
Ciao! Love!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ticino river floods and Agriturismo
Day 66 - the rest of the day
So after updating, I went to the railway station to meet Bernard. After waiting in the sun, there came a green car with a smiling and waving man who was instantly recognisable as an artist/actor. I only then found out that he in fact doesn't live in Bellinzona, but in a small village 30km away, and that he had driven all the way just to come get me. On the road he told me about his job as a clown (not the usual make-up act stupid clown, but more sophisticated ;)) and his acting group etc. It was interesting, and made me want to go acting again. That evening we went to meet an elderly woman who was like Bernard's second mom, and we went out for dinner. It was fun and the food was very good. That evening he gave me a German-Italian small dictionary (which I use almost every day while trying to think in Italian) and sugar (for emergencies).
Day 67
I woke up early because Bernard had to be somewhere at 9:00. He brought me back to Bellinzona (no cheating haha, thanks very much!) from where I went in the direction of Isone. (After getting lost a bit in the town). I had to climb/walk up very very steep for a couple of hours. Have you ever tried walking up a stairs that is 10km long and very unregular? That was kind of how this felt. But then finally I arrived in some military area with soldiers walking around with guns to train for something. Then from Isone on to Tesserete, where (after asking around for a long time) I found a rather expensive bed and breakfast that actually didn't have any rooms anymore, but because I asked so nicely I could have one. The woman was very nice, and after a good shower and everything I went to bed.
Day 68
After a good breakfast and awnsering several questions about my trip I got a huge discount. (Originally 50CHF, now 30CHF. That's around 20 euros). I set out in the direction of Lugano, where I arrived after walking on quite a bit of asphalt. And there I cheated big time, there was a small train going up to a very steep mountain, and I made up the excuse for myself that otherwise I'd not be able to catch my boat. So then I walked down along a very nice forest path (steep, rocky, but going down) to Morcote. There where no boats headed to Porto Ceresio anymore, but I was advised to go to Brussino Arsizio instead, and walk 4km extra on the other side. (Which made up for the cheating ;)). In Brussino Arsizio I started looking around, and after a while I asked in a restaurant and was allowed to sleep in a boat! But not a regular boat, but a small boat that was lying on the coast for the children to play with. But it had a roof and was kind of watertight. Later that night the restaurant owner offered me a shower. Oh, and I had a great view on Morcote and the lake.
Day 69
I slept quite well, even though it rained and I had to put my rainpants over my feet so my sleeping bag wouldn't get too wet. Then I walked to Porto Ceresio where I crossed the border to Italy, and after looking around a bit bumped into the markings of the E1 again. On the way I passed a group of people of around my age! What? People my age, walking in the forest? It was funny to see that they all had to wait all the time for 2 girls who where way slower. It made me appreciate my walking alone more. So after conquering a couple of mountains I came to Brinzio, where I aksed around in a bar and met 2 dutch-speaking people. I got some food for all the cash money I had (a 0.53 or so) and a mountain bike guy told me I could possibly sleep in a hut nearby. I went there, to find a large group of youthfull people celebrating something, and waited sneakily in the woods/on benches untill they where all gone. Then I made my bed under the roof and hoped nobody would come to disturb me tonight. I really didn't eat enough today, but I still feel ok. (So little I even wrote it down: 3 apples, 3 bars of chocolate, 1 banana, 1 cheese sandwich, 1 mars, 1 piece of cake which I got after asking for a water refill).
Day 70
Whaaat? This night at 23:50 a car came driving up next to the hut! I was scared so bad, but after a while I heard young people's voices and it sounded like a boy and a girl preparing to go out later on. Finally they took off agian, without having spotted me, and I went back to sleep. In the morning went back to the town to buy me breakfast, but found out that there was no cash machine, and the bakery didn't have one either... But they decided to give me whatever I'd usually buy for free! In exchange for a postcard from Rome. But because it was for free, I felt like I couldn't just take everything, and only took a bread and chocolate. (for on the bread). I walked really long again along nice steep roads, and I didn't feel very well. Drinking water made it worse, and I didn't have any food along so I just kept on going. In Gavirate I wanted to go to a cheap hotel, but after going there and feeling even more weak it turned out they where closed. So I asked around in half Italian, and tried to find a place, anything would suffice now because I just had to rest. Then 2 people offered me a ride to the next town where there surely where possibilities. After accepting I suddenly felt very bad and went outside because it felt like I had to puke, which I didn't have to, but I did nearly collapse and had to lie down. The man who had offered me a ride helped me, and held up my legs while feeding me some candy. I had to wet my wrists and back of the head, and after waiting in this strange position for 5 minutes i felt better. It was probably due to lack of minerals/vitamines or proteines or somehting. Anyway, they took me along to Ispra, after asking around several places along the way. They asked the railway station man if I couldn't sleep there, but he'd have to ask his collegue who'd arrive later on. So we went to dinner and after eating a lot of healthy food (risotto) I felt much better. We drove back to the railway station and after asking the collegue it was ok, but I'd have to be gone by 6:00 the next morning.
Day 71
Sleeping didn't go as well as planned, because it was light in the railway station, every now and then a train came by, and there where dogs in the neighbourhood barking the happy feeling right out of me. (haha). I ate a lot of carrots and bread to gain strength again, and then in the afternoon I felt all right again. Then somewhere around Sesto Calende I got lost because of the bad markings, but after speaking to some Dutch people in a supermarket I found my way again. I walked to Somma Lombardo where the cheap hotel didn't have any rooms available, and I had to sleep in an expensive hotel with which wasn't that good at all. (waterstains on the walls, really noisy at night etc.) Then I went to bed, and was called by Benedikt, my mother and my sister all independently :). It really made me feel better after a rather boring day.
Day 72
I found out that the people along the way here are really flabbergasted when I tell them what I'm doing. More and more people in this area have the "you're crazy" response, in stead of the "wow that's cool" response to which I've gotten used to. The walking road was really boring today, mostly concrete along a canal, or a walking path that was so small that I was driven crazy by the cobwebs. And the roads here have a tendency to suddenly just stop, and you then have to walk through the actual forest or field, which is not very good for the shoes and pants.
I spoke to a nice english speaking man, and later on some guy of around 35 or so. He was just asking the regular questions and I tried to awnser in Italian and it was all right, and then after I walked on he came after me and suddenly asked: "Do you want to do sex with me?" ehm... no. Later on I thought I should have said: "Tempting, but no!" (go watch Willow now!). Then in Turbigo I asked around and found a way to expensive hotel. So I kept on going and asked if I could maybe sleep in a party tent next to a bar. It was okay and great fun too, very nice people. And there was a great couch in the tent so I could sleep softly. (And it was safe because the gates around the area where closed).
Day 73
After sleeping very well and eating a pizza bread breakfast which I got for free yesterday I set out again. Along fairly nice roads I walked to a house and asked for directions. The woman didn't speak English or German so she asked her neighbour, Andrea for help. He asked me where I was going to sleep and then called the agriturimso Bulloria (where I had passed by 4km ago). I could sleep there! He then drove me to the next best town to a book store, because apparently the Via Francigena goes through Pavia, where I'll be in a couple of days. And it goes directly to Rome. I bought a good map of the road because it does seem attractive, and Andrea then drove me to the Agriturismo. He couldn't be there himself that evening because he had to work, but he did invite me to eat a good dinner in the restaurant. The food was absolutely magnificent and delicious, and eating vegetarian isn't a big problem in Italy either :). Ballira was the guy who served everything, and it was nice speaking to him too. Andrea also talked me through the road, and told me which parts where a must-see. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do, but I know I'll follow the Via Francigena (way of the French) at least partially. Then I went to sleep on the couch I was offered.
Day 74
After waiting for a while, I got a couple of rolls and tea and was ready to leave again. There where a lot of small country roads with views of the farming land... which was not particularly interesting. It was pretty rainy and warm. I walked until 2km after Besate, where I asked in an Agriturismo thing if I could sleep in my sleeping bag somewhere. I could sleep in a real room for free, because there was a lot of water on the floor, and for twenty euros I could have dinner. This was again one of those superb 3 course menus. They eat dinner at 20:30 here! Crazy Italians ;).
Day 75
After breakfast (which I got for free) I set out again. There where a lot of nice forest roads that after walking 2km turned out to be flooded from there on out, causing me to walk all the way back. That actually happened 3 times, and I then decided to follow the boring provincial road. Along the way there where quite a few very friendly people who where interested and gave me the "wow thats cool!" reaction which automatically makes a day much better. And two woman even gave me 30 euros as support! In Torre d'Isola I asked around and was directed to another agriturismo 8km before Pavia. After asking for a sleeping bag location I was offered an 80 euro room for 40. (Damn these reports are way too money-oriented...). I watched TV all night and just enjoyed doing nothing.
Day 76 (Today)
I woke up at around 8:00 to have breakfast and walk the last lousy 8km to Pavia. There I looked up this internet cafe and here I am! I don't know where I'll sleep tonight but it's only 12:09. (but I still have pictures to upload).
Thanks very much for the replies!
Sterre: cool! ja te voet gaat idd redelijk langzaam :) maar het is wel vet tof. Ik ga miss ook nog terug liften ofzo als ik nog tijd heb en het niet te gevaarlijk is. Dankje voor je reactie!
Oop: jeej het is gelukt! Ik weet zelf ook niet hoe dat werkt met reageren, hoef ik namelijk nooit te doen :). Dankjewel, en veel liefs!
Rest: (telephone) dankjullie!
OK now I'll try to upload some pictures, but not all. I'll post that later.

So after updating, I went to the railway station to meet Bernard. After waiting in the sun, there came a green car with a smiling and waving man who was instantly recognisable as an artist/actor. I only then found out that he in fact doesn't live in Bellinzona, but in a small village 30km away, and that he had driven all the way just to come get me. On the road he told me about his job as a clown (not the usual make-up act stupid clown, but more sophisticated ;)) and his acting group etc. It was interesting, and made me want to go acting again. That evening we went to meet an elderly woman who was like Bernard's second mom, and we went out for dinner. It was fun and the food was very good. That evening he gave me a German-Italian small dictionary (which I use almost every day while trying to think in Italian) and sugar (for emergencies).
Day 67
I woke up early because Bernard had to be somewhere at 9:00. He brought me back to Bellinzona (no cheating haha, thanks very much!) from where I went in the direction of Isone. (After getting lost a bit in the town). I had to climb/walk up very very steep for a couple of hours. Have you ever tried walking up a stairs that is 10km long and very unregular? That was kind of how this felt. But then finally I arrived in some military area with soldiers walking around with guns to train for something. Then from Isone on to Tesserete, where (after asking around for a long time) I found a rather expensive bed and breakfast that actually didn't have any rooms anymore, but because I asked so nicely I could have one. The woman was very nice, and after a good shower and everything I went to bed.
Day 68
After a good breakfast and awnsering several questions about my trip I got a huge discount. (Originally 50CHF, now 30CHF. That's around 20 euros). I set out in the direction of Lugano, where I arrived after walking on quite a bit of asphalt. And there I cheated big time, there was a small train going up to a very steep mountain, and I made up the excuse for myself that otherwise I'd not be able to catch my boat. So then I walked down along a very nice forest path (steep, rocky, but going down) to Morcote. There where no boats headed to Porto Ceresio anymore, but I was advised to go to Brussino Arsizio instead, and walk 4km extra on the other side. (Which made up for the cheating ;)). In Brussino Arsizio I started looking around, and after a while I asked in a restaurant and was allowed to sleep in a boat! But not a regular boat, but a small boat that was lying on the coast for the children to play with. But it had a roof and was kind of watertight. Later that night the restaurant owner offered me a shower. Oh, and I had a great view on Morcote and the lake.
Day 69
I slept quite well, even though it rained and I had to put my rainpants over my feet so my sleeping bag wouldn't get too wet. Then I walked to Porto Ceresio where I crossed the border to Italy, and after looking around a bit bumped into the markings of the E1 again. On the way I passed a group of people of around my age! What? People my age, walking in the forest? It was funny to see that they all had to wait all the time for 2 girls who where way slower. It made me appreciate my walking alone more. So after conquering a couple of mountains I came to Brinzio, where I aksed around in a bar and met 2 dutch-speaking people. I got some food for all the cash money I had (a 0.53 or so) and a mountain bike guy told me I could possibly sleep in a hut nearby. I went there, to find a large group of youthfull people celebrating something, and waited sneakily in the woods/on benches untill they where all gone. Then I made my bed under the roof and hoped nobody would come to disturb me tonight. I really didn't eat enough today, but I still feel ok. (So little I even wrote it down: 3 apples, 3 bars of chocolate, 1 banana, 1 cheese sandwich, 1 mars, 1 piece of cake which I got after asking for a water refill).
Day 70
Whaaat? This night at 23:50 a car came driving up next to the hut! I was scared so bad, but after a while I heard young people's voices and it sounded like a boy and a girl preparing to go out later on. Finally they took off agian, without having spotted me, and I went back to sleep. In the morning went back to the town to buy me breakfast, but found out that there was no cash machine, and the bakery didn't have one either... But they decided to give me whatever I'd usually buy for free! In exchange for a postcard from Rome. But because it was for free, I felt like I couldn't just take everything, and only took a bread and chocolate. (for on the bread). I walked really long again along nice steep roads, and I didn't feel very well. Drinking water made it worse, and I didn't have any food along so I just kept on going. In Gavirate I wanted to go to a cheap hotel, but after going there and feeling even more weak it turned out they where closed. So I asked around in half Italian, and tried to find a place, anything would suffice now because I just had to rest. Then 2 people offered me a ride to the next town where there surely where possibilities. After accepting I suddenly felt very bad and went outside because it felt like I had to puke, which I didn't have to, but I did nearly collapse and had to lie down. The man who had offered me a ride helped me, and held up my legs while feeding me some candy. I had to wet my wrists and back of the head, and after waiting in this strange position for 5 minutes i felt better. It was probably due to lack of minerals/vitamines or proteines or somehting. Anyway, they took me along to Ispra, after asking around several places along the way. They asked the railway station man if I couldn't sleep there, but he'd have to ask his collegue who'd arrive later on. So we went to dinner and after eating a lot of healthy food (risotto) I felt much better. We drove back to the railway station and after asking the collegue it was ok, but I'd have to be gone by 6:00 the next morning.
Day 71
Sleeping didn't go as well as planned, because it was light in the railway station, every now and then a train came by, and there where dogs in the neighbourhood barking the happy feeling right out of me. (haha). I ate a lot of carrots and bread to gain strength again, and then in the afternoon I felt all right again. Then somewhere around Sesto Calende I got lost because of the bad markings, but after speaking to some Dutch people in a supermarket I found my way again. I walked to Somma Lombardo where the cheap hotel didn't have any rooms available, and I had to sleep in an expensive hotel with which wasn't that good at all. (waterstains on the walls, really noisy at night etc.) Then I went to bed, and was called by Benedikt, my mother and my sister all independently :). It really made me feel better after a rather boring day.
Day 72
I found out that the people along the way here are really flabbergasted when I tell them what I'm doing. More and more people in this area have the "you're crazy" response, in stead of the "wow that's cool" response to which I've gotten used to. The walking road was really boring today, mostly concrete along a canal, or a walking path that was so small that I was driven crazy by the cobwebs. And the roads here have a tendency to suddenly just stop, and you then have to walk through the actual forest or field, which is not very good for the shoes and pants.
I spoke to a nice english speaking man, and later on some guy of around 35 or so. He was just asking the regular questions and I tried to awnser in Italian and it was all right, and then after I walked on he came after me and suddenly asked: "Do you want to do sex with me?" ehm... no. Later on I thought I should have said: "Tempting, but no!" (go watch Willow now!). Then in Turbigo I asked around and found a way to expensive hotel. So I kept on going and asked if I could maybe sleep in a party tent next to a bar. It was okay and great fun too, very nice people. And there was a great couch in the tent so I could sleep softly. (And it was safe because the gates around the area where closed).
Day 73
After sleeping very well and eating a pizza bread breakfast which I got for free yesterday I set out again. Along fairly nice roads I walked to a house and asked for directions. The woman didn't speak English or German so she asked her neighbour, Andrea for help. He asked me where I was going to sleep and then called the agriturimso Bulloria (where I had passed by 4km ago). I could sleep there! He then drove me to the next best town to a book store, because apparently the Via Francigena goes through Pavia, where I'll be in a couple of days. And it goes directly to Rome. I bought a good map of the road because it does seem attractive, and Andrea then drove me to the Agriturismo. He couldn't be there himself that evening because he had to work, but he did invite me to eat a good dinner in the restaurant. The food was absolutely magnificent and delicious, and eating vegetarian isn't a big problem in Italy either :). Ballira was the guy who served everything, and it was nice speaking to him too. Andrea also talked me through the road, and told me which parts where a must-see. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do, but I know I'll follow the Via Francigena (way of the French) at least partially. Then I went to sleep on the couch I was offered.
Day 74
After waiting for a while, I got a couple of rolls and tea and was ready to leave again. There where a lot of small country roads with views of the farming land... which was not particularly interesting. It was pretty rainy and warm. I walked until 2km after Besate, where I asked in an Agriturismo thing if I could sleep in my sleeping bag somewhere. I could sleep in a real room for free, because there was a lot of water on the floor, and for twenty euros I could have dinner. This was again one of those superb 3 course menus. They eat dinner at 20:30 here! Crazy Italians ;).
Day 75
After breakfast (which I got for free) I set out again. There where a lot of nice forest roads that after walking 2km turned out to be flooded from there on out, causing me to walk all the way back. That actually happened 3 times, and I then decided to follow the boring provincial road. Along the way there where quite a few very friendly people who where interested and gave me the "wow thats cool!" reaction which automatically makes a day much better. And two woman even gave me 30 euros as support! In Torre d'Isola I asked around and was directed to another agriturismo 8km before Pavia. After asking for a sleeping bag location I was offered an 80 euro room for 40. (Damn these reports are way too money-oriented...). I watched TV all night and just enjoyed doing nothing.
Day 76 (Today)
I woke up at around 8:00 to have breakfast and walk the last lousy 8km to Pavia. There I looked up this internet cafe and here I am! I don't know where I'll sleep tonight but it's only 12:09. (but I still have pictures to upload).
Thanks very much for the replies!
Sterre: cool! ja te voet gaat idd redelijk langzaam :) maar het is wel vet tof. Ik ga miss ook nog terug liften ofzo als ik nog tijd heb en het niet te gevaarlijk is. Dankje voor je reactie!
Oop: jeej het is gelukt! Ik weet zelf ook niet hoe dat werkt met reageren, hoef ik namelijk nooit te doen :). Dankjewel, en veel liefs!
Rest: (telephone) dankjullie!
OK now I'll try to upload some pictures, but not all. I'll post that later.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Parla Inglese?
Day 43
After waking up and walking to the local supermarket together for breakfast, I set out again. (I keep doing that ;)). I walked to Dreiweissenstein where I looked up the local DJH (German Youth Hostel). I met some nice people along the way, and the weather was ok with a cool rain now and then. It's still t-shirt + shorts weather though. I found out that I had 3 roommates, with whom I drank a few beers outside and had some fun. I did lay awake for a while though, because one of them snored like a walrus. There where 2 guys there for work, one as a student and a woman (on another room) was there on a walking trip. (she had already walked to Santiago etc. but was quite extraordinary ;)).
Oh, and I am kind of into 'hohes c' haha.
Day 44
Breakfast with the walking woman (she was walking the 'mittel weg' through the blackwood forest (Schwarzwald, I am currently on the Westweg). I sneaked along a sandwich for on the road and set out. I kept running into a guy with a red backpack who was also on the Westweg, but preferred to walk alone so that he wouldn't miss anything. Then I met a real Santiago de Compostella pilgrim, with whom I walked the last 5 km's to Dobel. There our ways parted and I went looking for a cheap room. (I really didn't feel like asking anyone hehe). I wanted to walk further, but there weren't any villages... So I watched TV all night and then went to bed.
Day 45
After a good breakfast I took care of my shoes and then set out through fresh weather along high mountains and great views to Forbach. There I bought food and went in the direction of the church where I rang on the priests door. He first said sure, and went to get a key, then when he returned I told him I didn't go to Rome to visit the Pope he went back and got another key haha. I was allowed to sleep in some kind of office with water and a good floor to sleep in my sleeping bag.
Day 46
After a long night (I still have to get used to sleeping on just a small mat) I set out again. The priest offered me a ride to the next town, which I denied politely. I set out through horrible rain. Somewhere along the way I met two elderly men who where also on the Westweg, and after running into them 2 times we walked together. There where beautiful very steep stone roads, (haha, in comparison to what I've seen now this was NOT very steep ;P) and we walked through the mist on places with snow and mud. I walked further than the two men, because they had already reserved a hotel. So I walked to the Mummelsee where there where absolutely no sleeping possibilities, so I asked a family if they knew anything. They told me I could come with them to their holiday farm in Seebach (where they where staying as well) and see if I could sleep in the straw or something. So I went with them and it was possible and cheaper than regular rooms. The woman then said I could also sleep inside in the sauna if I wanted to, so that the horses wouldn't keep me awake. I had dinner with the family who had invited me, and it was great fun. Their kids even gave us a (pretty loud) show. The man also said he'd pay for me since he had invited me there.
Day 47
After breakfast the woman who owned the tourist farm offered to bring me back to the forest so that I wouldn't have to walk along the asphalt so long. (around 2 km). In the rain and mist I walked quite far, and after a while got really really cold. And there weren't any resting huts or anything. Because of the long walking without breaks my leg really started to hurt because somehow my rucksack had been pinching something off. Then finally I found a small hut, where I could eat stuff, rest, and put my sweater on. After that I felt much better and walked on to Kniebis. First I tried the DJH, which was closed, then I tried some hotel, which was closed, then the Nature Friend house, which was closed and then I rang on someone's door. The old couple didn't really like the idea of a stranger in the house, but after a while of waiting they accepted. I could sleep on the floor in the living room. (They where in doubt, because I might disturb the cat who usually sleeps there). But it was great because later that night I had some conversations with the woman and I even got a nice meal.
Day 48
After the cold day yesterday I set out with all my warm clothes on, and rain suit etc. Then after walking for a couple of hours I met the 2 walkers of day 47 again! They had taken a bus yesterday because the weather was so bad. We walked together most of the way and talked about lots of stuff. The weather was nice, sunny and warm so my precautions where unnecessary. Again they had reserved a hotel room on a shorter etappe than I had, so the last 10 km or so where for me alone. I walked to a little 'Schwarzwald Verein' hut, where I rested and then asked the people who where there if they knew any good places to stay. I was invited to come with them to Wolfach (just as far as the original goal Hausach, but a different direction). The barber and his wife welcomed me like royalty, and it was great. That evening they had invited an elderly Dutch couple so I was even able to speak Dutch again.
Day 49
I was awoken early this morning, and after a good breakfast I was brought to Hausach by car, because that was my original goal, and it prevented me from having to walk along a big road for too long. The man had advised me to look up a Natur Freunde Haus on the Brend (mountain), which I did. Walking through snowy forests with great weather is a good experience :). There was also a French family, but I didn't really talk to them. I called mom and dad and waxed my shoes and then went to bed.
Day 50
Good breakfast, time to go. After a while I crossed the Mittelweg, and decided to follow that from here on out, so that I would cut off quite a bit of unnecessary mountain climbing. I had some nice short conversations along the way, and walked on to Titissee/Neustadt where I looked up the DJH. The woman who owned the place was really unfriendly to other guests (young ones) and her new collegue, and what bothered me most was that I didn't say something about it.
Day 51
This morning I met an interesting man of around 60 who was alone on the road with his motorcycle touring on some kind of repentance trip or something. An inspiring man with interesting stories.
On the road I tried to define the hypnotic feeling you get when walking with my almost always running Inner Dialog. I'll probably try to describe it later on, when I have time or am at home or something. I even philosophized about stuff I learned in the Landmark Forum (about which I'll have to have a discussion with Joy or his mom or somebody later, help remind me please ;)). The first 5 km or so where kind of okay, then came a really beautiful area along the Wutach Schlucht and then some more boring field roads. Then at the Schattenmühle I found a pretty cheap room, but didn't have enough cash money for it. I hitchhiked to the next town to a cash machine, and was even brought all the way back by the couple who where touring in their holidays.
Day 52
I set out pretty early today because I wanted to walk far. The most beautiful part of the Wutach Schlucht (wutach= river name, Schlucht= gorge) was today, and I walked mostly on 50 cm broad roads with steep edges and great canyons. In Blumberg I shopped for some food and then walked on to Randen where I slept (afer asking of course) in a shed with 2 mattresses.
Day 53
After sleeping for quite long (eleven hours or so?) I got some tea and set out at around 8:45. A nice walking road awaited me, with some great views and the little hill feeling that reminds one of the Teletubbies. I met 2 other walking ladies who where on a one-week tour, and after admiring a squirrel we walked together to the next village Engen, where they invited me for a soup. (which wasn't available anymore haha). I walked on to Weiterdingen after meeting some more people on the road (a couple gave me 20 euros because they wanted to support me :O) and after ringing a couple of doors, I was asked to show my ID-card and then was hospitably invited in. We watched a movie on TV and I went to bed pretty late.
Day 54
Nice weather and great views at the alps and the Bodensee (Do I have to mention breakfast and setting out every time?) where a nice start of the day. I paused in a Naturfreunde Haus where the kind people offered me a soup (which I refused because I was stuffed haha). My leg often hurts because of the rucksack, and compensating by loosening the waist band increased the strain on my shoulders. I ended up with a nice family (I believe it was in Stahringen) where I played table tennis with the boy (around my age) and later The Settlers of Catan.
Day 55
This morning I accidentally woke up too early, but it didn't really matter. We looked on the city plan of Konstanz if there where any DJH there, and then I set out again. Some pretty boring forests, then the fairly impressive Maria Schlucht and then the not extremely beautifull city of Konstanz/Kreuzlingen characterized this day. I slept in the Youth Hostel in Switzerland (Kreuzlingen) and looked up an internet cafe. (check second-last update). I also called my best friend Joy to see if he was still alive and kicking :).
Day 56
I looked up a different internet cafe because I didn't finish everything (obviously) but it was still closed. I then set out on my first day in Switzerland. The environment was reasonably beautiful, and the weather was super. I asked around, and was directed to a Pilgrim House in Tobel, where I went. There I met Benedikt, a Benedictine monk and above all, very good person. We had very interesting conversations ranging from interpretations of church to smoking or eating meat. One of the first things he said to me was that I was a monk, because a trip like mine is exactly monk-like. (I don't expect to go into a monastery, but I don't think that was what he meant). He invited me to stay longer so I could rest, and for the first time on this trip I accepted. Benedikt also gave me the newest Swiss Army knife, for which I am very thankfull :). (knives are things that need to be given in stead of bought, just like my parents gave me my original knife). I was also able to update this site (last update).
Day 57
Yesterday knight at 12:00 I congratulated my brother with his 21st birthday! Too bad I couldn't be there. I slept until pretty late, and had brunch with Benedikt and a friend of his, Maria. Throughout the entire day we had interesting conversations and I worked on this blog quite a bit as well. Then we made a short photo shoot, and a lady from the local newspaper was called for a telephone interview. Obviously the woman interpreted some of my answers quite differently than intended, but the article is fun to read.

Day 58
After tea and breakfast and a warm-hearted goodbye I set out along the Jacobs road (shortcut). The road was nice, the weather not so much, but when the weather is bad there is more time to think somehow. I walked to Fischental, where I rang on quite some doors but people where either not at home, or had to leave just that evening or something. Near the church I knocked the local priests door and was invited warmly by his wife. A nice interesting family, and later that night a super fast-talking man came and told us about some kind of play by Goethe or something similar.
Day 59
A long road awaited me the next morning, with loads of asphalt and some great views. I walked on through Rapperswil to Pfäffikon, where I went to a 'schlaf i'm stro!' thingie which was quite good. I met a 73-year-old man who was currently walking a part of the Jacobsweg, because the snow conditions in the mountains weren't optimal so he couldn't go Alpine. (for real).
Day 60
After sleeping very well, I had a great breakfast together with the man, and then we set out together. He taught me all kinds of techniques for walking in the mountains and it was fun. The weather was nice and after arriving in the town of Einsiedeln we drank something together and then went to the local sports shop, to inform about renting ski's or something to pass the Gothart pass. The man also re-informed me about how to wear my backpack, so from then on I rarely had the pain in my leg, and it feels much better.
I then went to the ENORMOUS monastery because Benedikt knew some monks there and said if I said he sent me, they'd probably give me a place to stay. Unfortunately the monk who I was supposed to ask wasn't there, but I still got a place for 20 CHF (What no Euros in Switzerland!? haha). That evening I met Alexander, and interesting Priest assistant something who had a refreshing view on some matters that I thought all Catholics believed. (for instance: he said in the bible there are more occasions where people 'lay together in the woods', meaning they had sex. And some man even said to another man: I've loved you like I will never love any woman' etc.)
I was invited to come see the great library of Einsiedeln the next morning before I would set out again.
Day 61
After breakfast and packing, I did visit the amazing library, and photographed the Maria statue outside for my mother. Oh, and at breakfast I met a young monk, with whom I talked a bit, and he told me students shouldn't have to pay, and he gave me 50 CHF! And I also wrote a short note to the monk who I was supposed to ask with the greetings from Benedikt.
Then I set out in the rain, and met a couple who where walking the same road so we walked together. We walked to Brunnen through a terrible rainstorm, and there our ways parted and I looked up another 'Schlaf i'm Stro'.
Day 62
After a good night's sleep I got a great breakfast (these sleep in the stray things are great!). I then set out on the 'Weg der Schweiz' which was absolutely amazing. Great views on the alps and a beautiful lake. I met a girl of around my age and her aunt who where also walking the way of Switzerland, and after bumping into them 3 times we walked together the rest of the way. It was great to be able to talk to someone my age, who actually likes walking haha. I hope I didn't ruin their aunt-niece day though...
I called Benedikt because he said he might know someone in this area, and yes! He directed me to Attinghausen, to an elderly nice and interesting couple. I was able to wash my clothes again, hence the picture with me in chique clothes. (which I will upload later).
Day 63
After waking up early and having a nice breakfast, I set out in the direction of Göschenen (which is far away). I was advised not to go over the Gothart pass on foot, because it is just way too dangerous, and that I should instead take the train. I walked quite far, along steep ways with bridges where you could see through the floor, and I even had to walk other ways sometimes because of avalanches. I had received an address of a friend of Hans (yesterday), but he had to work until 7, and leave early the next morning. I decided not to walk that far, and came across a cheap Backpacker hostel in Wassen, which was owned by 25ish year old twins. And I ate chocolate cake as dinner.
Day 64
After a chocolate cake breakfast (hihi) I set out to Göschenen, and had to take the train to Airolo through/underneath the Gothart pass. I realized how boring traveling like this is :). In Airolo I looked up the tourist information, and then set out along the Strada Alta while adjusting to the fact that from now on I'd have to say bon jorno in stead of Gruet Sie.
I walked along beautiful road to Osco, where I looked up one of those mass mattress thingies. I prepared a soup, ate great pasta in the restaurant (luckily the guy spoke German) and then called home.
Day 65
The strada alta really is a beatiful road, the only downside is that you continuously hear the cars of the highway. I sometimes had to wade through waterfall/rivers because they had removed the bridges to prevent avalanche damage. I hadn't brought enough lunch, and all the little villages I came through seemed extinct so after a while I felt really weak and queasy while walking along cliffs with the risk of falling down 100 meters. But I kept going, and after a while my trance state was invoked and I kept on marching to Pollegio. There I tried to ask if people knew a supermarket, and my great Italian caused me to be invited in a car, and being brought to a supermarket. Then the man kept on driving and driving and driving, in the direction of a camping in Claro, which was 12 kms to far :S. So I seriously accidentally hitchhiked 12 kms. But it was nice, and I thanked the man in my best Italian, and then slept in my tent and could rest my poor body in the pool.
Day 66 (today)
I woke up this morning and was very happy to see that my tent was not wet. I ate breakfast, packed everything and was quite relaxed because late last night I received an SMS from Benedikt, with a sleepover address in Bellinzona. I walked the remaining 10 km along a nice river in the sun, and then looked up a library/internet cafe. I will meet Bernard at the railway station at 7 O'clock, so I still have some time to see the city (which is definately worth seeing, so far I've already seen great castles and painted houses etc.)
So that's it! I'm finally finished with this! (ok, not finished, but up to date). I think that from now on I won't upload all of my pictures anymore, but just some, and that when I'm at home I'll edit all of the initial pictures to make it look a little more professional.
Thanks for reading!
After waking up and walking to the local supermarket together for breakfast, I set out again. (I keep doing that ;)). I walked to Dreiweissenstein where I looked up the local DJH (German Youth Hostel). I met some nice people along the way, and the weather was ok with a cool rain now and then. It's still t-shirt + shorts weather though. I found out that I had 3 roommates, with whom I drank a few beers outside and had some fun. I did lay awake for a while though, because one of them snored like a walrus. There where 2 guys there for work, one as a student and a woman (on another room) was there on a walking trip. (she had already walked to Santiago etc. but was quite extraordinary ;)).
Oh, and I am kind of into 'hohes c' haha.
Day 44
Breakfast with the walking woman (she was walking the 'mittel weg' through the blackwood forest (Schwarzwald, I am currently on the Westweg). I sneaked along a sandwich for on the road and set out. I kept running into a guy with a red backpack who was also on the Westweg, but preferred to walk alone so that he wouldn't miss anything. Then I met a real Santiago de Compostella pilgrim, with whom I walked the last 5 km's to Dobel. There our ways parted and I went looking for a cheap room. (I really didn't feel like asking anyone hehe). I wanted to walk further, but there weren't any villages... So I watched TV all night and then went to bed.
Day 45
After a good breakfast I took care of my shoes and then set out through fresh weather along high mountains and great views to Forbach. There I bought food and went in the direction of the church where I rang on the priests door. He first said sure, and went to get a key, then when he returned I told him I didn't go to Rome to visit the Pope he went back and got another key haha. I was allowed to sleep in some kind of office with water and a good floor to sleep in my sleeping bag.
Day 46
After a long night (I still have to get used to sleeping on just a small mat) I set out again. The priest offered me a ride to the next town, which I denied politely. I set out through horrible rain. Somewhere along the way I met two elderly men who where also on the Westweg, and after running into them 2 times we walked together. There where beautiful very steep stone roads, (haha, in comparison to what I've seen now this was NOT very steep ;P) and we walked through the mist on places with snow and mud. I walked further than the two men, because they had already reserved a hotel. So I walked to the Mummelsee where there where absolutely no sleeping possibilities, so I asked a family if they knew anything. They told me I could come with them to their holiday farm in Seebach (where they where staying as well) and see if I could sleep in the straw or something. So I went with them and it was possible and cheaper than regular rooms. The woman then said I could also sleep inside in the sauna if I wanted to, so that the horses wouldn't keep me awake. I had dinner with the family who had invited me, and it was great fun. Their kids even gave us a (pretty loud) show. The man also said he'd pay for me since he had invited me there.
Day 47
After breakfast the woman who owned the tourist farm offered to bring me back to the forest so that I wouldn't have to walk along the asphalt so long. (around 2 km). In the rain and mist I walked quite far, and after a while got really really cold. And there weren't any resting huts or anything. Because of the long walking without breaks my leg really started to hurt because somehow my rucksack had been pinching something off. Then finally I found a small hut, where I could eat stuff, rest, and put my sweater on. After that I felt much better and walked on to Kniebis. First I tried the DJH, which was closed, then I tried some hotel, which was closed, then the Nature Friend house, which was closed and then I rang on someone's door. The old couple didn't really like the idea of a stranger in the house, but after a while of waiting they accepted. I could sleep on the floor in the living room. (They where in doubt, because I might disturb the cat who usually sleeps there). But it was great because later that night I had some conversations with the woman and I even got a nice meal.
Day 48
After the cold day yesterday I set out with all my warm clothes on, and rain suit etc. Then after walking for a couple of hours I met the 2 walkers of day 47 again! They had taken a bus yesterday because the weather was so bad. We walked together most of the way and talked about lots of stuff. The weather was nice, sunny and warm so my precautions where unnecessary. Again they had reserved a hotel room on a shorter etappe than I had, so the last 10 km or so where for me alone. I walked to a little 'Schwarzwald Verein' hut, where I rested and then asked the people who where there if they knew any good places to stay. I was invited to come with them to Wolfach (just as far as the original goal Hausach, but a different direction). The barber and his wife welcomed me like royalty, and it was great. That evening they had invited an elderly Dutch couple so I was even able to speak Dutch again.
Day 49
I was awoken early this morning, and after a good breakfast I was brought to Hausach by car, because that was my original goal, and it prevented me from having to walk along a big road for too long. The man had advised me to look up a Natur Freunde Haus on the Brend (mountain), which I did. Walking through snowy forests with great weather is a good experience :). There was also a French family, but I didn't really talk to them. I called mom and dad and waxed my shoes and then went to bed.
Day 50
Good breakfast, time to go. After a while I crossed the Mittelweg, and decided to follow that from here on out, so that I would cut off quite a bit of unnecessary mountain climbing. I had some nice short conversations along the way, and walked on to Titissee/Neustadt where I looked up the DJH. The woman who owned the place was really unfriendly to other guests (young ones) and her new collegue, and what bothered me most was that I didn't say something about it.
Day 51
This morning I met an interesting man of around 60 who was alone on the road with his motorcycle touring on some kind of repentance trip or something. An inspiring man with interesting stories.
On the road I tried to define the hypnotic feeling you get when walking with my almost always running Inner Dialog. I'll probably try to describe it later on, when I have time or am at home or something. I even philosophized about stuff I learned in the Landmark Forum (about which I'll have to have a discussion with Joy or his mom or somebody later, help remind me please ;)). The first 5 km or so where kind of okay, then came a really beautiful area along the Wutach Schlucht and then some more boring field roads. Then at the Schattenmühle I found a pretty cheap room, but didn't have enough cash money for it. I hitchhiked to the next town to a cash machine, and was even brought all the way back by the couple who where touring in their holidays.
Day 52
I set out pretty early today because I wanted to walk far. The most beautiful part of the Wutach Schlucht (wutach= river name, Schlucht= gorge) was today, and I walked mostly on 50 cm broad roads with steep edges and great canyons. In Blumberg I shopped for some food and then walked on to Randen where I slept (afer asking of course) in a shed with 2 mattresses.
Day 53
After sleeping for quite long (eleven hours or so?) I got some tea and set out at around 8:45. A nice walking road awaited me, with some great views and the little hill feeling that reminds one of the Teletubbies. I met 2 other walking ladies who where on a one-week tour, and after admiring a squirrel we walked together to the next village Engen, where they invited me for a soup. (which wasn't available anymore haha). I walked on to Weiterdingen after meeting some more people on the road (a couple gave me 20 euros because they wanted to support me :O) and after ringing a couple of doors, I was asked to show my ID-card and then was hospitably invited in. We watched a movie on TV and I went to bed pretty late.
Day 54
Nice weather and great views at the alps and the Bodensee (Do I have to mention breakfast and setting out every time?) where a nice start of the day. I paused in a Naturfreunde Haus where the kind people offered me a soup (which I refused because I was stuffed haha). My leg often hurts because of the rucksack, and compensating by loosening the waist band increased the strain on my shoulders. I ended up with a nice family (I believe it was in Stahringen) where I played table tennis with the boy (around my age) and later The Settlers of Catan.
Day 55
This morning I accidentally woke up too early, but it didn't really matter. We looked on the city plan of Konstanz if there where any DJH there, and then I set out again. Some pretty boring forests, then the fairly impressive Maria Schlucht and then the not extremely beautifull city of Konstanz/Kreuzlingen characterized this day. I slept in the Youth Hostel in Switzerland (Kreuzlingen) and looked up an internet cafe. (check second-last update). I also called my best friend Joy to see if he was still alive and kicking :).
Day 56
I looked up a different internet cafe because I didn't finish everything (obviously) but it was still closed. I then set out on my first day in Switzerland. The environment was reasonably beautiful, and the weather was super. I asked around, and was directed to a Pilgrim House in Tobel, where I went. There I met Benedikt, a Benedictine monk and above all, very good person. We had very interesting conversations ranging from interpretations of church to smoking or eating meat. One of the first things he said to me was that I was a monk, because a trip like mine is exactly monk-like. (I don't expect to go into a monastery, but I don't think that was what he meant). He invited me to stay longer so I could rest, and for the first time on this trip I accepted. Benedikt also gave me the newest Swiss Army knife, for which I am very thankfull :). (knives are things that need to be given in stead of bought, just like my parents gave me my original knife). I was also able to update this site (last update).
Day 57
Yesterday knight at 12:00 I congratulated my brother with his 21st birthday! Too bad I couldn't be there. I slept until pretty late, and had brunch with Benedikt and a friend of his, Maria. Throughout the entire day we had interesting conversations and I worked on this blog quite a bit as well. Then we made a short photo shoot, and a lady from the local newspaper was called for a telephone interview. Obviously the woman interpreted some of my answers quite differently than intended, but the article is fun to read.

Day 58
After tea and breakfast and a warm-hearted goodbye I set out along the Jacobs road (shortcut). The road was nice, the weather not so much, but when the weather is bad there is more time to think somehow. I walked to Fischental, where I rang on quite some doors but people where either not at home, or had to leave just that evening or something. Near the church I knocked the local priests door and was invited warmly by his wife. A nice interesting family, and later that night a super fast-talking man came and told us about some kind of play by Goethe or something similar.
Day 59
A long road awaited me the next morning, with loads of asphalt and some great views. I walked on through Rapperswil to Pfäffikon, where I went to a 'schlaf i'm stro!' thingie which was quite good. I met a 73-year-old man who was currently walking a part of the Jacobsweg, because the snow conditions in the mountains weren't optimal so he couldn't go Alpine. (for real).
Day 60
After sleeping very well, I had a great breakfast together with the man, and then we set out together. He taught me all kinds of techniques for walking in the mountains and it was fun. The weather was nice and after arriving in the town of Einsiedeln we drank something together and then went to the local sports shop, to inform about renting ski's or something to pass the Gothart pass. The man also re-informed me about how to wear my backpack, so from then on I rarely had the pain in my leg, and it feels much better.
I then went to the ENORMOUS monastery because Benedikt knew some monks there and said if I said he sent me, they'd probably give me a place to stay. Unfortunately the monk who I was supposed to ask wasn't there, but I still got a place for 20 CHF (What no Euros in Switzerland!? haha). That evening I met Alexander, and interesting Priest assistant something who had a refreshing view on some matters that I thought all Catholics believed. (for instance: he said in the bible there are more occasions where people 'lay together in the woods', meaning they had sex. And some man even said to another man: I've loved you like I will never love any woman' etc.)
I was invited to come see the great library of Einsiedeln the next morning before I would set out again.
Day 61
After breakfast and packing, I did visit the amazing library, and photographed the Maria statue outside for my mother. Oh, and at breakfast I met a young monk, with whom I talked a bit, and he told me students shouldn't have to pay, and he gave me 50 CHF! And I also wrote a short note to the monk who I was supposed to ask with the greetings from Benedikt.
Then I set out in the rain, and met a couple who where walking the same road so we walked together. We walked to Brunnen through a terrible rainstorm, and there our ways parted and I looked up another 'Schlaf i'm Stro'.
Day 62
After a good night's sleep I got a great breakfast (these sleep in the stray things are great!). I then set out on the 'Weg der Schweiz' which was absolutely amazing. Great views on the alps and a beautiful lake. I met a girl of around my age and her aunt who where also walking the way of Switzerland, and after bumping into them 3 times we walked together the rest of the way. It was great to be able to talk to someone my age, who actually likes walking haha. I hope I didn't ruin their aunt-niece day though...
I called Benedikt because he said he might know someone in this area, and yes! He directed me to Attinghausen, to an elderly nice and interesting couple. I was able to wash my clothes again, hence the picture with me in chique clothes. (which I will upload later).
Day 63
After waking up early and having a nice breakfast, I set out in the direction of Göschenen (which is far away). I was advised not to go over the Gothart pass on foot, because it is just way too dangerous, and that I should instead take the train. I walked quite far, along steep ways with bridges where you could see through the floor, and I even had to walk other ways sometimes because of avalanches. I had received an address of a friend of Hans (yesterday), but he had to work until 7, and leave early the next morning. I decided not to walk that far, and came across a cheap Backpacker hostel in Wassen, which was owned by 25ish year old twins. And I ate chocolate cake as dinner.
Day 64
After a chocolate cake breakfast (hihi) I set out to Göschenen, and had to take the train to Airolo through/underneath the Gothart pass. I realized how boring traveling like this is :). In Airolo I looked up the tourist information, and then set out along the Strada Alta while adjusting to the fact that from now on I'd have to say bon jorno in stead of Gruet Sie.
I walked along beautiful road to Osco, where I looked up one of those mass mattress thingies. I prepared a soup, ate great pasta in the restaurant (luckily the guy spoke German) and then called home.
Day 65
The strada alta really is a beatiful road, the only downside is that you continuously hear the cars of the highway. I sometimes had to wade through waterfall/rivers because they had removed the bridges to prevent avalanche damage. I hadn't brought enough lunch, and all the little villages I came through seemed extinct so after a while I felt really weak and queasy while walking along cliffs with the risk of falling down 100 meters. But I kept going, and after a while my trance state was invoked and I kept on marching to Pollegio. There I tried to ask if people knew a supermarket, and my great Italian caused me to be invited in a car, and being brought to a supermarket. Then the man kept on driving and driving and driving, in the direction of a camping in Claro, which was 12 kms to far :S. So I seriously accidentally hitchhiked 12 kms. But it was nice, and I thanked the man in my best Italian, and then slept in my tent and could rest my poor body in the pool.
Day 66 (today)
I woke up this morning and was very happy to see that my tent was not wet. I ate breakfast, packed everything and was quite relaxed because late last night I received an SMS from Benedikt, with a sleepover address in Bellinzona. I walked the remaining 10 km along a nice river in the sun, and then looked up a library/internet cafe. I will meet Bernard at the railway station at 7 O'clock, so I still have some time to see the city (which is definately worth seeing, so far I've already seen great castles and painted houses etc.)
So that's it! I'm finally finished with this! (ok, not finished, but up to date). I think that from now on I won't upload all of my pictures anymore, but just some, and that when I'm at home I'll edit all of the initial pictures to make it look a little more professional.
Thanks for reading!
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