Hey everybody! I'm now on the third day of my trip! I'm currently in a library in Rijssen, and so far I'm doing pretty good.

Day one I walked 25km, and after a long day's hike, I ended up in Lettele, a little village. There I asked around a bit for a place to stay, and someone directed me towards a car company. The owner owned a big farmhouse (not an actual farm) and it was ok for me to put my tent in their garden. He asked me for a copy of my ID-card in case I'd steal from them or get lost or anything ;). The wife offered me loads of things, like dinner, a shower, and even a bed, but I didn't want to intrude so I said my tent would be fine. And eventually I somehow turned down the shower as well ;). The food they offered wasn't vegetarian, so I didn't eat with them. I did cook on their stove, and could eat it all inside. I tried my dry food, but accidently did it with too much water. It was okay though.

Next day I had tea with the family's mother, and it was lovely. She told me about how they where foster parents to some children close by, and how they where a safe haven for them. Inspiring. So then I set out again, and walked over the Holten Berg all the way to a house above Rijssen, it turned out to be around 27km. When I was nearly there I met a walking couple, and I had someone to talk to :). It was good to see not everyone thinks I'm crazy, and it was fun to have someone listen with interest and new ideas.

So there I was, really tired and now I had to find a place to sleep. The owner of the first house where I knocked on the door came driving in, just as I was walking up the driveway, and told me there where lots of cops in this area, so he wouldn't let me stay. (Apparently he thought staying in someone's garden is illegal). The second place where I tried was ok, but the woman living there was about to leave, and her husband wouldn't be back until that evening so I couldn't sleep indoors. So I put up my tent again and tried cooking my dried food on my own tiny stove. This time it all worked out great, only thing was that it didn't taste anywhere near as good as yesterday. It was dry and hard and not good, so I got rid of it.


After a good night's sleep I woke up finding out it had rained the entire night. Luckily my tent was really good, but I did find myself reluctant to get out of bed.
So after postponing for half an hour I got up, and ate breakfast (sandwiches with cheese). Then I knocked on the door to take a leak, brush my teeth and have some tea with the woman of the house. We chatted a bit about this and that, and then I went out into the rain to collect my stuff. Packing while it's raining is not something I'd like to do every day...

But it all worked out, even though it was all wet, and when I was on the road again I felt better than the day before.

So then I walked to Rijssen to find myself a dry place to update this page and rest a little. I doubt I'll be walking 25 km today.
To summarize the above: I'm doing fine, it's harder than I anticipated but I guess I'll live. And the loving and supporting text-messages from friends and family work wonders.
PS: I'll try to upload my pictures soon.
aaaaah wat een mooi verhaal! echt cool dat je ons op de hoogte houd, ook met de foto's van je knalgoeie camera! (dat veulentje is LIEEEF!)
succes, ben benieuwd wanneer je nederland verlaat. dikke kus!! xoxox
Heel leuk om te lezen ilja! ik hoop gauw weer verder te kunnen lezen om te zien waar je dan beland bent :)
kus van suzanne!
Hallo ik ben liesbeth van het stel dat je voor rijssen tegen kwam. Gister steeds een bericht proberen te sturen maar ik deed dit via mozilla en nu dus via windows. In ieder geval het lijkt me vreselijk met die regen nu. Het is dan zo lastig om vrolijk te blijven kijken. Mijn 0616424538 kan je gebruiken wanneer je een bed en een veg. maaltijd wilt in Enschede. Dan pik ik je ergens op. Ook kunnen we dan nog kijken naar slaapplaatsen voor verderop bij bioboeren of biocentra In noorden van Borne heb je www.zwanenhof.nl op de retraite weg groot oudklooster en nu een retraitecentrum. Kan je vast een plek in tuin of huis vinden. Maar zo te lezen heb je nu een goede plek.
even voor oomoop kijken of dit zo werkt: ze willen wel iets schrijven, maar ik weet ook niet waar al die dingen voor staan!
Wat leuk die reactie van Liesbeth die je blijbaar onderweg ontmoet hebt!
Dank je Liesbeth voor je zorg!
Ilja's moeder Jolanda.
huh. interesting :)
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