Because I only had to walk 25km today I woke up a little later, then set out along nice walking paths which ended in walking parallel to the ss2 Via Cassia, which was not as nice. Before the Cassia I met the Italians and Reinald in a small village, then set out again. After walking along the Cassia for a long time I arrived near a fresh spring, where I stayed for about forty minutes playing with the water, drinking a lot and bathing my head ;). Then I walked on to Campagnano di Roma where I found a nice place to sleep with matrasses and a shower. Shortly after the others arrived, and we where all invited for dinner. Luckily I found 5 euros on the way which I donated here ;). Me and the Italians went to dinner which was great (plastic plates and everything, but the food was good and we had lots of fun). Then we where forced to hear a concert of musiscians that wheren't reaaaally good, but it was fun. And I posed with some stupid costume in front of the elevator ;).
Day 103
I woke up early today to set out at 6:30. After about one and a half hour of nice walking paths through forest and beautifull hills I bumped into Fuorio, Vittorio, Mario, Elena and Eleonora. (ok, from now on "the Italians" again ;)). We went together from there on, and it was great because these people know how to travel in a group. No need to talk all the time, and if you walk 100 meters ahead or behind it doesn't matter. After a long break in Isola Farnese we arrived in La Storta at around half past 3. Really nice rooms with a great garden and showers awaited us. I played Peter pan because being relieved of the backpack felt great, and the weather was nice :).
Day 104
We woke up early to avoid heat and traffic (everything along asphalt today), and I had banana bread breakfast. After 7km I bumped into the Italians again, because they had just had breakfast in the bar, and we set out together to Monte Mario, where we took a break to enjoy the FIRST VIEW OF ROME! It really felt weird to suddenly be (almost) finished. We went to Saint Peter to get some stamp for the credentials but the guy wasn't there. After that somehow the Pope came to his window and spoke to the people so I saw the Pope on my first day in Rome. But it didn't exactly move me haha. Then I said goodbye to Mario, Vittorio and Fuorio, which moved me more than seeing the Pope. Luckily Elena and Eleonora where going to come with me to the Casa per Pellegrini here in Rome.
So from here on I won't create daily descriptions because it'd be rather boring. Instead I'll just summarise it all.
We arrived in the hospice, but had to come back at five, so we spent the rest of the day in the park eating pinoli's (pijnboompitten!) and playing around. Then we got to know Luigi, who is a great guy, interesting friendly and above all: the best cook I saw in a long time :). Reinald also was in the house :). The next morning we went to Saint Peter to get the diploma, but in my oppinion it was rather boring, because teh guy tried speaking German, and gave us a tour to the catacombs with a not-that-interesting talk about something that I did not quite understand due to the lack of his German. But we had 3 minutes of silence, which I used to actually PRAY for the people who have helped me along my path in the last 3 months. It was also funny to see how the guy responded after I told him I wasn't a Christian, but "aperto per tuti" (open to all), and then he wanted to know what my parents or grandparents where (Katholic or Protestant or something). After finally getting the really nice diploma we went to the beach, and I enjoyed it a lot. That evening Luigi told us that we where all allowed to stay for 3 days, even though normally you only get 2. In the evening we had an interesting discussion about the word "Pilgrim", because Reinald said that I was not a pilgrim because I'm not a christian, and I said it was nonsense because being Christian isn't what makes a pilgrim a pilgrim. An interesting discussion followed that turned into a discussion about Dutch people being very direct ;). But I enjoyed it, and because of this got to know Luigi a lot better.
The next day we went to the city, walking together with Reinald to Campo de' Fiori along a nice orange garden. Then we visited Fontana di Trevi, Piazza di Spagna and some other stuff, and then Reinald left to catch his train! If you read this: thanks a lot for our encounter! Then me, Elena and Eleonora walked around town some more and then had to say goodbye at the trainstation. We kept saying goodbye because their train was about half an hour late, but then they where gone.
It really felt weird to be alone again after a long time of seeing people who I already knew every day. And also being finished felt weird! I used to have this goal for more than a year! Walking to Rome! And now I was done! I had this feeling of being free and not knowing what to do for one day, and then realised that I could see my life as sort of a trip, and that I was not done by far. Still something knawed and I wanted to go to Assisi, but didn't know weather to go on foot or by train. By now the new plan has arisen to go to Assisi with Elena and Eleonora! I'm really looking forward to that.
Luigi sneakily called a lady from Rai1 (national italian radio) and I had an interview in Italian :O). I don't know how it turned out because it was on last sunday at 11:35 am, but the woman said she'd email me the file later. I'm not particularly proud of it because I read most of it out loud and then they'd cut out the mistakes ;).
I also met Don Paulo who is the guy who runs the place. He took me to the largest catacombs in Rome and it was great to sit on the back of a scooter in Rome ;). I was also told I could stay here untill the 30th if I helped clean/cook/do dishes etc. which is great!
Two new hospitalieri's arrived and I had to say goodbye to Luigi. Two pilgrims arrived, a Dutch man named Robbert and a French girl named Anaiis (no i with " available here ;)). I met my uncle and his wife yesterday because they happened to be in Rome, and it was fun. And from there on I basically went to the city every day, watching stuff like the Colloseum, Foro Romano, and a lot of churches (nice art!). And that's basically it! I think that once my Camino starts again (to Assisi) it will be more interesting to update this blog.
Afterwards I'll be sure to make some evaluations and write down some more thoughts and everything.
Thanks for reading!
Lots of love,