After the internet cafe I set out at around half past 11. A nice road, first part asphalt but after only strada bianca. After around 20km of that I arrived in Bolsena, where Furio (if it's Fuorio tell me and I'll make it Furlio ;P), Mario and Vittorio told me that there was no more place in the free hospice, so I'd have to go to the other one. I also got to know two other pilgrims, the daughter of Vittorio and a friend of hers. So I walked the extra 2km up-hill to a nice place, where I could stay for 21 euros. (No breakfast, but a single room). Reinald was staying there as well but was somewhere in town. The woman who ran the place spoke Dutch, which was quite usefull because later on I could ask her to call ahead for the next night. I ate dinner in the really beautifull garden, while watching the sun set.
Day 100
After a good night's sleep I woke up really early and after a small breakfast (and a shower, but I don't mention that because if there is a shower, I take one every evening and morning ;)) I set out at 6:24. A very nice forestroad awaited me. But it was really hard to navigate since the markings wheren't exactly clear and the map was not detailed enough. But I kept going and enjoyed the nice little river, and somehow I ended up on the right road. During the last 5km or so my feet really started hurting, but I kept going and arrived in Viterbo after about 32km. A nice town with a complex old-town and no place in beds anymore. But I was allowed to sleep on the floor, and they had a shower so I felt happy. Later Reinald arrived, and even later the rest. After quite a bit of discussion about getting beds the people who where already in the beds allowed the Italians to sleep in their room (where there where still 5 free beds).
Day 101
After sleeping quite good I woke up early (5:20) and after a silent breakfast so as to not wake up my roommate Eleonora, I set out. Pane Salato (salted bread) is the only bread here that is edible ;). It was hot, but the road provided lots of shadow which made it doable. After a while the indications deviated from my map, and I decided to follow them because otherwise I'd have to walk along the SS2 Via Cassia, which isn't particularly appealing. It was a nice road, and after getting lost because of bad indications I arrived on a dusty Strada Bianca in Capranica. I ran into Reinald several times, and we walked together for a bit. In Capranica 3 laughing Italians where awaiting us in a bar because they had decided to take a bus half-way. Again no beds and this time not even a shower, but a large room with place on the ground which worked fine for me.
Oh damn, I am late for dinner! More updates later!
Thanks for reading, and hi to my new friends Furio, Mario, Vittorio, Elena, Eleonora and Reinald :).
Hoi Ilja,
Hartstikke goed, gefeliciteerd. Misschien zie ik je nog in Assisi. Ben ik on and off de komende weken.
Alle goeds.
Peter Van Kan
grazie per le foto
Lieve Ilja,
Ben benieuwd of het lopen of liften wordt! Is je loopverslaving aan het tanen? Ben blij dat je zo lang in Rome mag logeren blijkbaar op een goed adres. Hoop dat je nog mensen kan bezoeken: je bent welkom bij Fred in Selci, David is dan in Nederland. Ron en Cher zijn nu in Rome, en Peter ook binnenkort.Dat is die man die bij ons een concert gaf een jaartje ofzo geleden.
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