Sunday, March 15, 2009

Quick update, no picks

Hey there!
So after leaving the internet cafe I walked on the Hermansweg some more, this time without map or book, because people said it would be so well-marked that I should be able to walk it just like that. After walking for a little more I knocked on a door somewhere just outside of Bielefeld. The man who answered the door said that I couldn't stay with them, because they had to go in two hours. So I asked if he knew some neighbours who'd do such a weird thing, and he pointed me to a house around 200 meters further. I went there and met two lovely people and their dog. They where really hospitable, and said that I could sleep in a little house in the garden if that was all right with me (no place inside). Obviously I agreed, and after cleaning out the garden house together, and heating it with an ancient stove it felt just good. I was invited to a barbeque party that was held at one of the neigbors' house, and after they found some vegetarian vegetable- and cheeseburgers we set out. It was really cool to meet so many people who did such things very often, and telling my story over and over again was fun :). (Everybody always asks the same questions, in about the same order, but I really don't mind telling :D).
After that we went back and I went to sleep after drawing a bit and writing my journal.
Day 13, The next morning (today) we had a lovely lunch at the local bakery again with all the neighbours (they don't always do that, I just got lucky). I was later than usually because of that, but I didn't really mind because I could just use this as my rest day or something. They walked me out for about a kilometer, because the dog had to be walked anyway. It was a bit rainy and misty but doable. The guy (Ado) really tried his best to find friends who lived among my route, so that I wouldn't have to knock on a total stranger's door, but got somewhere through a connection. So I gave them my cellphone number and they'd call me later that day to tell me if everything worked out. So I walked and walked, and met some runners who where training for a running match. (sort of a marathon on the Hermansweg, really tough with all the hills and all). Then around 17:00 o' clock Ado called to tell me he had found an adress of a collegue, and that I probably could stay there. I got the guy's number and called him. After having talked for about a minute my cellphone died (daaamn battery) but when I restarted it it worked out all right. (suddenly it did work...). So I walked there, to meet a lovely family where I currently am. I just asked for the exact location so you guys can google it, and this is it: Lage - Hörste 32791(city, location in city, postoffice number or something like that).

Okay and that's it! I don't have more pictures because I only took 2 or 4, but I'll post them all later. Thanks for the replies everybody. And no, sorry, swedish is not a language I understand ;), cool to see you're following though :). (and altavista doesn't know swedish either :().

G'bye! luv joe.


Dick Padme said...

Hai hai,

volgens google earth heb je nu 219 km gedaan (tenminste als je het met de auto gedaan zou hebben). Hoe gaat het met blaren en zo??
Iedereen is reuze onder de indruk en vet nieuwsgierig.

Dick Padme said...

Leuk je even gesproken te hebben; blij dat je het steeds leuker en mooier begint te vinden. Altenbeken waar je nu bent is (over de autoweg) 266km hiervandaan. Keep up the good work and ... don't do anything I wouldn't do! (lol)

Dick Padme said...

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And wither then? I cannot say.

De weg gaat verder, eindeloos,
Vanaf de deur waar hij begon.
Ik moet hem volgen, rusteloos,
Tot ver achter de horizon,
Met rappe voeten tot hij aan
Een grotere weg raakt in 't verschiet,
Kruispunt van komen en van gaan,
En waarheen dan? Ik weet het niet.

Anonymous said...

Ha stoere zoon,
Dank voor al je sms-jes! Fijn dat het je goed vergaat. Misschien kunnen we ze bewaren en ergens in je dagboeken verwerken...
Wel gek hoor: geen idee te hebben wat je zoal doet (lopen, lopen?) Vandaag bij de kringloop een kaart van Italie gekocht: gaan wij toch ook heen, en kan ik lekker je route op tekenen tegen die tijd, omdat het een oude kaart is. Leuker dan die google maps waar we nog even niet hebben uitgevonden hoe je een route kan opslaan.
Liefs van ons,